

28 Feb



The Lotus is taking a quick break from the Origin System and joining the Spirits of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!

Starting February 28, you can find the Lotus on the Spirit Board for the event “Spirits in Black” along with other black-clad characters. Equip the Spirit onto your character in the “World of Light” single-player adventure to enhance your abilities and stats! Level up the Lotus to increase the stat bonuses even more.

The “Spirits in Black” event only runs until March 4 at 1 a.m. ET so make sure to act quickly if you want to add the Lotus to your collection of Spirits!

21 Feb


Thank you for another incredible Featured Dojo Contest!

For this round of the contest, we didn't receive enough console Moon Clan submissions to fill the Star Chart with a Moon Clan each month, but we received a really high number of spectacular Shadow and Ghost Clan submissions on PS4 and Mountain Clan submissions on XboxOne. We decided to use our open Moon Clan Featured Dojo spots to feature more Shadow and Ghost Clans!

We'll continue to use open spots this way in future rounds of the contest. The Clan size each spot is reserved for will always prioritize those Clan sizes, but if we end up with an open spot, one of the Clan sizes with a higher number of submissions will take it.

Without further ado, here are the winners!

You can watch Megan and Rebecca announce the Winter 2020 Featured Dojo Contest 1st place winners on last night's Prime Time #280!

First Place Winners:...

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

@[DE]Helen any clue when the star chart will get updated with the current winners?

You will see the first 5 Winter 2020 Featured Dojo Contest winners on the Star Chart later today!

11 hours ago, (PS4)Daystroyerkun said:

For the Dojo Winter Contest Winners, I noticed the sheet for the prizes included being starred on the Star Chart, it displayed all winners 1st, 2nd and 3rd being starred. Does that mean the UI on the dojo icon is going to extend? or was that just a copy/paste mistake? Also when do we get our trophies? My clan got 2nd place on playstation 4 (New Bunny Order).

Hey Daystroyerkun,

Really good question - happy to clarify!

For this round of the contest, we didn't receive enough console Moon Clan submissions to fill the Star Chart with a Moon Clan each month, but we received a really high number of spectacular Shadow and Ghost Clan submissions. We decided to use our open Moon Clan Featured Dojo spots to feature more Shadow and Ghost Clans!

We'll continue to use open spots this way in future rounds of the contest. The Clan size each spot...

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14 Feb


TennoCon 2020 will be Saturday, July 11

Save the date and get ready! Tenno will be meeting in London, Ontario, Canada for a day of all things Warframe. Be one of the first to see when tickets are available here: www.tennocon.com

... Read more

Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for bringing the season of love to Warframe with your submissions. There were so many fun and creative interpretations for this contest. It was a joy to look through them!

The Love Is in the Arrow Contest winners were announced on Prime Time #279! You can watch the full announcement with honorable mentions here:

Love Is in the Arrow Contest Winners:

  1. Rickun ...

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7 hours ago, (NSW)TheTechWiz said:

I am aware of this binding option, however when i have both Motion Controls Steer Railjack and Motion Control enabled (which makes the crosshair stay in the middle of the screen while piloting/shooting in Raijack), toggling this does nothing as my crosshair is already in the middle. Can DE fix this?

I mentioned this to our team since they've been taking a look at what might be causing some motion control issues while piloting. It seems there are cases where using directional inputs instead of face buttons prevents the reset from working. They'll be working on a fix going into the next Cert update!

13 Feb


With the launch of the first version of Railjack motion controls in Update 27.1.0, we implemented a new binding option that was missed in the Update notes (and also pretty well hidden within the guts of the Options menu). So, we want to formally inform our avid motion-control-using Nintendo Switch Tenno that the “Reset Motion Controls” binding option does currently exist, but also that it ...

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11 Feb


Our QA team worked some magic and was able to get a fix added to today's Prime Vault Hotfix! Your Captura tools are back in action. Thanks so much again for your reports!





Oberon and Nekros. Two forces in eternal balance. Emerged from the Prime Vault with their signature Prime Weapons, Accessories, and more! 

Find their Relics in the Void or Bounty rewards today! Or check out the Prime Vault program in the in-game Market!

Vauban Prime and Ash Prime, as well as their signature Prime Weapons, Accessories, have reentered the Prime Vault and have been removed from the drop tables. 

*If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.

Upcoming Ducat Price Changes: 

We have a heads up regarding coming changes to a couple Vaulted Prime part...

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07 Feb


The team has found the cause, which means a fix is soon to follow! You can expect the fix in a future update.


This won't do! I'm passing your reports along to the team now - a fix is in the works!

1 hour ago, (NSW)Zwiebel said:

@[DE]Helen Captura on Switch is broken since the new Update. That means Switch Player can't participate!



54 minutes ago, (NSW)starsbug said:

Oh hey, das me.
Yeah, I've been tinnkering with it since then. Half the inputs aren't working for advanced options in captura...

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45 minutes ago, --Brandt-- said:

Are we going to get Misery this time? I can assume no since he only showed in 2016, but doesn't hurt to ask each time the Acolytes come back.

Unfortunately, we were unable to fix his exclusion in time for this Acolyte return. We hope to bring you much Misery in the future.

3 minutes ago, OrSpeeder said:

I am a new player, and I need a LOT of mods that only them drop, or drop in reasonable chance (like mods that DO exist elsewhere but with 0.01% drop chance).

So... can someone tell me how this event work exactly? The game is really bad at explaining things.

Our community Warframe Fandom has a page with lots of info about the Acolytes! https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Acolytes

... Read more
14 minutes ago, Kylo. said:

This is Marcus' fault. 

It's true. He's to blame.



Reports of the Acolytes have surfaced. 

Twisted Warframes that follow the Stalker in pursuit of vengeance, the Acolytes will not stop until they are destroyed or until the Stalker’s mission is fulfilled. Gather your Squad and hunt them down one by one before the hunter becomes the hunted.
Just like previous incursions, the Acolytes will appear randomly on the Star Chart. Find where they hide and drive the Acolytes out to earn rare Mods.


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Love's arrow-ma is in the air! Equip your bow and arrow and become Warframe's Cupid. Find two in-game characters destined for one another and take a screenshot of you striking them with your arrow. They could be anywhere - love knows no bounds! Ostron, Grineer, Nef Anyo, a couple of Infested Chargers. Wherever you see it, aim, fire, and show us the screenshot of your Cupid's bow in action!

How to enter: Just like Cupid, take a screenshot or Captura image of you striking an in-game pair that is destined for one another with your arrow. Share your image in this thread for judging!

Need an example?


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I can't stress enough how much we loved reading your space shanties. We had to take an extra week to choose the winners because there were so many amazing submissions! There was no way we could choose just five winners, so we decided to choose 10 lyrics winners and 5 recording winners instead. Your talent and creativity are a delight. Thank you all!

The Space Shanty Contest winners were announced on Prime Time #278! You can watch the full reveal here:

Here are the official winner lists!

Space Shanty Contest - Lyrics Winners:

  1. ...

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06 Feb

22 minutes ago, (NSW)Katsuro said:

with 27.1.1 hotfixes?

Yes! Everything from 27.1.1 on other platforms is included in our Nintendo Switch 27.1.0 update


Empyrean: Railjack + Kuva Lich Changes Update 27.1.0 is live!